Saturday, 6 December 2014

You Can Become the Child of God

You can become God’s child by receiving His Son Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. Because, God sent Jesus to restore the broken relationship between God and man.
But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God.”(John 1:12)
Jesus has already paid the penalty for your sin and offers a full pardon (forgiveness). This is a gift, not something you have to earn by being good. Like any gift, it is free; all you have to do is accept it and make it your own.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord..” (Romans 6:23).

When you invite Jesus in prayer to become your Lord and Saviour, you accepted God’s forgiveness offered to you through Jesus’ death on the cross. Then according to scripture you become a child of God. You are a Christian because of your belief.
If you have not yet received Jesus Christ, receive Him now. Call Him now in prayer. Confess that you are sinner to die eternally without Jesus Christ. Ask God to forgive your sin. Ask Jesus to save you from eternal condemnation. Confess that you belief Him as the Son of the only one true God. Thank Him for the death He died on the cross to save you. Offer your life in His hand and ask Him to control and direct your life. Then, god will forgive all your sin and give you the Holy Spirit to guide you live a godly life. This way, you received the forgiveness of God and salvation. This way you become the child of God. God will be always with you and bless you.
May God bless you.