1. Background of the Old Testament:
2. General Introduction to the OT
3.Difficulties in interpreting the Old Testament
4. Brief survey of OT MSS and Translations
5.Palestinian Geography and important places in Ancient Near East.
6. Formation of OT Books
7. Formation of the Canon of the OT
8. The Patriarchal Age
10. Bondage, Liberation and Wilderness Wandering
11. A Survey of Biblical History MOSES AND EXODUS
12. Occupation of the Land, Settlement and Governing
13.Formation of the State and Period of United Monarchy
14. Divided Monarchy- Pre-Exilic Period
15. Historical, Socio-Economic and Religious background of different periods of the O.T.Exilic Period
16. Socio-religious situation of the Israelites in exile Exilic Period
17. Developments in Hebrew Theology and Praxis
18. The Prophets of the Divided Kingdom:
19. Role of the Exilic Prophets
1. Background of the Old Testament:
2. General Introduction to the OT
3.Difficulties in interpreting the Old Testament
4. Brief survey of OT MSS and Translations
5.Palestinian Geography and important places in Ancient Near East.
6. Formation of OT Books
7. Formation of the Canon of the OT
8. The Patriarchal Age
10. Bondage, Liberation and Wilderness Wandering
11. A Survey of Biblical History MOSES AND EXODUS
12. Occupation of the Land, Settlement and Governing
13.Formation of the State and Period of United Monarchy
14. Divided Monarchy- Pre-Exilic Period
15. Historical, Socio-Economic and Religious background of different periods of the O.T.Exilic Period
16. Socio-religious situation of the Israelites in exile Exilic Period
17. Developments in Hebrew Theology and Praxis
18. The Prophets of the Divided Kingdom:
19. Role of the Exilic Prophets