Saturday, 13 December 2014

Celebrate Christmas 2014

1)    That Jesus, a Saviour is born to save us from eternal condemnation
2)    to thank heavenly Father for sending Jesus to save us from sin and make ‘the children of God’.
3)    to show the joy in your life.

4)    to teach your children and others who have not yet known the significance of Jesus’ birth
5)     To show others, eve non-believers that Jesus, the Son of God actually was born  and lived among the people of the world.
6)    To tell others that the birth of Jesus is ‘Good News’ for the people of the world and needs be celebrated to thank God.
7)    To retell the meaning and significance of the birth of Christ
8)    To make a special programme for spreading the message of the Gospel

May God help your celebration of Christmas meaningful.

God bless you.