Sunday, 20 September 2015


“Brothers, listen! We are here to proclaim that through this man Jesus there is forgiveness for your sins. Everyone who believes in him is declared right with God—something the law of Moses could never do." Acts 13: 38-39
God is the Creator. He is all in all, all powerful. He is faithful and just. He is love.

God created man to have fellowship with Him. But man disobeyed Him that God banished man from His presence. Far from God, man suffer miserable. In misery man seek his Creator again for help. However, man do not know the right way to find God back. God in love came to man in the ‘image of man’ as ‘Jesus’, which means ‘Saviour’ to show the only true way to relate back with God the Creator.
God promises that He will forgive through your faith in Jesus, He will forgive you. When you believe and trust in Him, you are free from your sins. There is no way to earn God’s love and forgiveness. He offers it freely by His grace – no strings attached.
Therefore, believe in Him. Call Him in prayer in Jesus name. Ask the forgiveness of your sin (your disobedience to God). Invite Jesus to become the Lord of your life. Offer the direction and control of your life in His hand. Ask Him to help you obey Him in every way. Ask Him to bless you.

God bless you.