Thursday, 27 November 2014

God is Waiting for You

God waits you. He wants that you go to Him when you die. You don’t know when you will die. It may be sooner or later. It is up to God. Your life is in His hand. He loves you and wants that you go to Him in heaven and not to hell when you die. He, therefore, spare your life till today that you may receive eternal life by receiving His Son Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour.
God loves every of us. He wants that all of us receive His blessings here on earth and eternally after death as His children.  Only His children receive His blessings abundantly. One become God’s child when he received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour (John 1:12)
The Lord, therefore, is patient with us, as He does not want anyone to perish but all to come to repentance. It’s important to always remember that every action you take can be a vital step to move someone closer to everlasting life through Jesus Christ. (2 Peter 3:8-9)
Hope you have already received Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour. If not yet, call Him in prayer. Ask Him to be your Lord and Saviour. Ask Him to help you and control and direct your life.
If you have already received Him, help others receive Jesus in their life. They may be family, friends or colleagues at work or school. Maybe you have shared Jesus already with them, but they have not chosen to follow Him.  Share the message of God’s love in Jesus Christ.
Pray for Your Friends
"So we have not stopped praying for you since we first heard about you. We ask God to give you complete knowledge of His will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding." (Colossians 1:9).
Let’s pray that our unbelieving friends will come to know the Lord Jesus Christ and receive God's blessing. Let’s share the message of God’s love.
God bless you in Jesus name.