Friday, 28 November 2014


The opening line of the Holy Bible tells us that God is the Creator of everything :
“In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.” (Genesis 1:1)
God is the Creator, who created heavens and earth and everything in heavens and on earth.
The Creator created everything with a purpose. He created everything to be good and glorify him. Therefore, after he created, he looked at what he created and said “good” every time he created.
God was pleased with what he had created as the Bible says:
And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good.” (Genesis 1:31)

Till date, when man (a child) is born, is good. You were also good when you were a child.
 Now, look at everything, including yourself.
Are everything ‘Good’?  Are all people good people?
Are you ‘Good’ person? Are you good enough that God can call you “Good Person”?
If not, what went wrong?
God created everything good, but not everything good now. Something went wrong.
Created being failed to be what the Creator God intended to be like in the beginning. This was because man disobeyed God’s command.  ‘Disobedience to God’s command  is called ‘Sin’ and this ‘wrong condition’ ‘failing to fulfill God’s purpose is called ‘ ungodliness’ or ‘worldliness’.
Now, do you fulfill God’s purpose? If not, you are ‘sinner’. You must die as ‘sinner’ because the consequence of ‘sin’ is ‘death’. (Genesis 2:17; Romans 6:23)

The Bible confirmed that all ‘not good person’ (sinner) can not live with God and can not receive the true spiritual blessings of God. ‘Sinner’ will never inherit ‘the Kingdom of God’ or will never go to heaven. Jesus says, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born anew, he cannot see the kingdom of God."( John 3:3)

Here, we can understand that not all people will die of sin. Some people can go to heaven or the Kingdom of God. Jesus affirmed that God made a plan to save us. God promised us to save all who believe in his promised ‘Offspring’, who will destroy ‘sin’ and all its power . Thus, God will save all who follow the ‘Promised Offspring’ (Jesus Christ).
Here, I want you understand that Jesus was from Genesis (as the ‘promised offspring) with the message of ‘salvation through him’.
God declared to the Serpent (Satan), “I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)
Jesus was born, died and was risen from the death. In His death, all believers died to sin with Him and risen to be ‘good’ in God’s sight( as God no longer look at them directly but look at them through Jesus. God no longer sees their sin. God rather sees the ‘good’ work done by Jesus Christ and counted believers of Jesus among ‘good’ people).
Therefore, believers of and followers of Jesus Christ  become ‘new born’ ( ‘born-again’ or ‘born a new’) in God’s sight. The Bible called believers of and followers of Jesus Christ  ‘New Creation’ :
Therefore, if any one is in Christ, he is a ‘NEW CREATION’; the old has passed away, behold, the new has come” (2 Corinthians 5;17)
When one believed in Jesus Christ, he is with Jesus Christ. When one is in Jesus Christ, he become a ‘new creation’, God look at him as a ‘new creation’ same as was in the beginning of creation, recorded in Genesis chapter one of the Holy Bible, when God look at His creation with delight and said “Good”.
You  become ‘New Creation’ and ‘Good person’ in God’s sight when you are in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ lives in you when you received Him as Lord and Saviour.
Hope you have received Him already. If not yet, receive Him now.

God bless you.