"If God’s kind of love lives in your heart, you may be sure of
treasure in heaven. And the greater this love grows during this life, the
greater your treasure of love will be in the next life. Already now love is
worth more than anything else you have on earth, and when you get to heaven, it
will be worth more than ever. Love is the only treasure you can take with you
to heaven, the only treasure that will never decay or be taken away.
How do we know that love is the supreme reality of the new
creation? Well, the Bible says the Lord Jesus will reign until he crushes all
enemies. Then he will present his redeemed creation to his Father, “so that God
may be all in all” (1 Corinthians 15:28). What is a world where God is all in
all? It is a world of love, because “God is love” (1 John 4:16). Because heaven
is a world of love, there is no place in it for people who have nothing of
God’s love in their hearts. The only place for hearts without the love of God
is hell. Without love, you are nothing in this life, and you will have nothing
but misery in your final future.
Love is what gives anything else on earth its value, and love is
what lasts when everything else is left behind. Without love, material things
are useless. Without love, even supernatural abilities and achievements are
empty. The Bible says that even if we could speak the language of angels, even
if we could see the future and understand the most mysterious ideas, even if we
were willing to die for what we believe, such things would be worthless without
love. They can be valuable if they are done in love, but when heaven arrives on
earth and the perfect world becomes a reality, everything temporary and
incomplete will pass away. Many spiritual gifts that are now useful won’t be
needed in the ultimate future.
But love will remain. “Love never fails,” says the Bible in 1
Corinthians 13. It is the “most excellent” thing, the “greatest” thing, the
thing that makes everything else worthwhile. It is the thing that lasts forever
and stands at the very center of God’s new creation. Heaven on earth will be a
world of love, of perfect harmony among animals, people, angels, and God
( Abstracted from Article "Resurrection Relationships" by Pastor Dr. David Feddes of CLI)
( Abstracted from Article "Resurrection Relationships" by Pastor Dr. David Feddes of CLI)
God bless you to have God's kind of Love.