Jesus says, “Whatever you ask
in my name, this I will do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you
ask me anything in my name, I will do it. “(Jo n 14:13-14)
Don’t think that if we ask God anything, we will receive it as
long as we use "in Jesus' name."
If we apply the rules of hermeneutics, in the context, Jesus speaking to His disciples in the upper
room on the night of His eventual betrayal. The immediate audience is the
disciples. This is essentially a promise to His disciples that God will provide
the necessary resources for them to complete their task. It is a passage of
comfort because Jesus would soon be leaving them.
Therefore, to receive what you ask, you must be the disciple of
Jesus Christ by receiving Him as Lord and Saviour first. Your prayer must be in
Jesus' name and according to God's will and to glorify Him. Then, God will
grant your prayer and give what you need.
May God bless you.