Thursday, 22 May 2014


When one yielded his life to Jesus, transformation takes place. Our Lord is so incredible and the transformed life He offers!
A person who is newly born spiritually can be compared with a newborn baby. Both are at risk. Both need help. Both require protection, care and nurture. Just as the young baby needs natural food, the person born spiritually needs the right kind of spiritual food.

Jesus gave an illustration to help us understand the risks involved. He spoke about a farmer sowing seed -- an example that underscores the importance of the next 30 days. He said some seed is sown by the side of the road where it is consumed by birds before it ever takes root. Other seed falls where the soil is shallow. It has an initial burst of growth, but the roots never become well established. When the sun comes up, the seed is scorched and withers. Still other seed takes root, but soon thorns entangle and choke the life out of the new plant.
            Fortunately the parable doesn't end there. Jesus described another kind of soil as "good ground." Seed sown into this soil took root, grew and eventually multiplied many times over. (See Matthew 13:1-23 for the full parable) Wouldn't you like your spiritual roots to go into that kind of soil? 
            The "seed" in the parable represents the "gospel" -- or literally the "good news" that Jesus died on our behalf in order that we might be restored in our relationship with God and receive eternal life. You should make it your goal to go beyond an initial experience of yielding to Christ, and press on toward sustained viability, productivity and dynamic change.
            Studies indicate the critical importance of what happens in the days immediately following a new spiritual birth. If you get a good start, the benefits can sustain you the rest of your life. You want to understand what has happened and establish new ways of thinking and behaving in order to grow, become spiritually healthy and impact the lives of others.

(Adapted from ‘30days guide for new believers’ by John D.Beckett,June 2011)