Job, probably the oldest book in the Bible,
asks this question. Job’s friends accuse him of a hidden sin, since God seems
to be punishing him with tragedies. Is this true? Are tragedies punishment from
God? The Bible says, absolutely not!
Tragedy Can Bring Us
to Jesus
We have false
expectations if we believe that good deeds are always rewarded, and evil is
always punished in this life. We live in a fallen world, corrupted by sin.
Disease and disasters are a natural result (see Romans 8:20-22). Yet our problems and needs are the very
things that can cause us to seek God and draw closer to Him.
Jesus was asked this
question by his followers: “Why was this man born blind? Was it because of his
own sins or his parents’ sin?” “It was not because of his sin or his parents’
sins,” Jesus answered. “This happened so the power of God could be seen in him”
(John 9:2-3).
Then Jesus healed the
man and restored his sight. According to Jesus, this man had lived in darkness
all his life for this one moment: so that the healing power of Jesus could be
revealed, and he would see that Jesus is the “Light of the World” that leads us
out of darkness. Because of this miracle in his life, he was able to say, “‘Yes, Lord, I believe!’ and he worshiped
Jesus” (John 9:38). And because of his testimony, many others believed as well.
Only God Can Do the
Many people turn to
God only when they are in a hopeless situation. Seeing God’s loving care and
power helps build our faith. Our testimony of God’s miracles in our own life
may be critical in helping someone else to believe. “But God is so rich in mercy, and he loved us
so much, that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life
when he raised Christ from the dead….. So God can point to us in all future
ages as examples of the incredible wealth of his grace and kindness towards
us.” Ephesians 2:4-7.
God’s greatest miracle
is how he gives us a new life in Christ. Each believer is a beautiful painting,
illustrating God’s grace and power to save. Ephesians 2:10 says we are His Masterpiece, his greatest
work. So let’s glorify our Creator and proclaim his power to the world!
( Share from : ‘what is
the Purpose of trial in our life’ By Hope. From the series Prayer Letter)