Paradise is the place where Jesus
reign, where we will fully enjoy all the blessings of God with happy, joyous,
and unlimited enjoyment of the blessings of God after life on earth. But we
start enjoying this life even here on earth when Jesus reigns in our life – being
King of kings, controlling and directing our life; God blesses us with the all
the blessings in the name of Jesus Christ, through the Holy Spirit.
Know this secret:
On the day, when we accept Jesus
Christ as personal Lord and Saviour, Lord Jesus says to us,
“Assuredly, I say to you, today you
will be with me in Paradise” (Luke 23:43)
Then, God gives us the Holy Spirit
and start blessing us with all the good things through the Holy Spirit which
help us live a joyous, blessed and successful life.
Now, if you have accepted Jesus
Christ as your personal Lord and Saviour, ask God with constant prayer to give
you the gift of the Holy Spirit and claim this blessed life in Jesus. Start
reading the Bible daily and pray constantly; start living a good life and do
good works to receive the blessings of God.
Write ‘Amen’ if you pray God so. God
bless you.