Monday, 3 March 2014

I Love This Verse

“…..Simon Peter and the other disciple, the ‘One Jesus Loved’ (John, the writer himself),,….” (John 20:2a)

The writer of this Gospel John know that Jesus loved him deeply. John considered that Jesus loved him(john) deeper than He (Jesus) love any of His disciple. This is a great blessing.
In our life, recognition is very important.
Church service over. Rain came. All ran towards respective home without umbrella.
An old widow has folding umbrella in her bag. She also ran. When she reached home all her dress and bag became heavily wet. She changed her dress, took out Bible and found her umbrella in her bag.
Without recognition, umbrella became useless and worthless!
Jesus loved all His disciples, except Judas Iscariot.  But John recognized Jesus love so much that he called himself ‘ONE JESUS LOVE’. Praise the Lord.
Jesus love all men and women of the world. But only those who recognize Jesus love will receive His blessings, ‘Salvation, forgiveness of God, eternal life’.
Be like John. Recognize the love of your father,mother, brothers, sisters, wife or husband, friend, and enjoy their love.
Recognize that Jesus deeply love you. Enjoy His love and be blessed. Jesus died in your place. You become saved from eternal condemnation. You have eternal life if and when you receive Him for the Lord and Saviour of your life.

May God bless you.