Sunday, 20 October 2013

Make Disciples

In the closing words of the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus leaves us with what has become known as “The Great Commission.” In it, Jesus charges His disciples with a set of tasks until He returns. Here’s what Jesus commands us to do: 1) Go out into the world and make disciples.
2) Baptize these disciples in the name of the Trinity.

3) Teach them to obey everything Jesus commanded us.If we take a moment to evaluate how we, the Church, have done in accomplishing these tasks, I think we might see where we’ve missed the mark, and hopefully discover a few clues about how to get back on track. 
First, we’re called to go. It seems simple enough, but what frustrates me is how often I see us in the Church flipping things around the other way. For the most part, the organized Church has built a model of evangelism and discipleship that says, “Come to us.”
We build large buildings, we buy plasma television screens to announce our upcoming events, we host large-scale musicals and plays to dramatize the Gospel, and we instruct our members to invite their friends to Church so that the professional clergy can do the evangelizing.I’m not trying to say that these methods are wrong or evil, but just that we’ve taken a very simple and clear command to go and made it into a call for the world to come to us- to our house, with our rules, on our terms. This just isn’t what Jesus commanded us to do.
Jesus very easily could have commanded us to create appealing environments where the world felt welcome. He could have commanded us to make space for unbelievers to show up and meet us on our terms, but He didn’t. What He commanded us to do was to go out and, in the course of our everyday, regular life, communicate and live out the message of the Gospel to those we encounter along the way.

Secondly, Jesus commands us to make disciples. A disciple is someone who is daily, intentionally following Jesus with their whole life. A disciple is not a convert. If you take a look at how our local churches practice evangelism you’ll probably see a lot of emphasis placed on winning people to Christ, getting them to come forward in the meeting to make a public profession of faith, and not as much emphasis on taking them from this first step into all the other steps that follow.

As one example, I recently came across a very helpful tool called “The Engel’s Scale” which charts the slow progression by degrees of those who are far from God and how they slowly come to faith in Christ over time and with the assistance of loving friends and the Holy Spirit.
What I found troubling about the scale was that it stopped at conversion. As if, after the conversion experience, we no longer had any need to chart their ongoing development and discipleship to Jesus. Again, the entire emphasis was on conversion,not on discipleship. I understand that there are exceptions to this over-emphasis on conversion within the Body of Christ, and for that I am very grateful. I’m simply pointing out that, at least as far as I have seen, most modern American churches seem to focus entirely too much on conversion and not enough on discipleship, which is expressly what Jesus commanded us to focus on.
Conversion is essential, for obvious reasons, but discipleship is central to our calling. We need to return to the basic instructions of Our Lord and begin to make disciples.