bless you and gives you what you ask Him in earnest prayer. In our life in
Jesus, I find recognition or realization s very important. You have thousand
note in your pocket, but it is useless if you do not know that you have that
money when you need some important material to buy.
loves you and want to bless you. However, you cannot live a blessed life and
will not enjoy the love of Jesus if you do not lnow He loves and cares you.
John, Jesus disciple rexognised or knew very well the love of His Master Jesus.
He called himself as “the disciple whom he (Jesus) loved “.
That recognition in the part of John was a great blessing to him. The
result is far reaching. The Gospel he wrote ‘ The Gospel of John’ is the most
read and most translated in the world. This is also the best guide for
beginners about the Salvation in Jesus Christ. The recognition of Jesus love as
special for him, helped him kept Jesus mother with him after Jesus died. Read :
the cross of
Jesus stood his mother, his
mother’s sister, Mary the wife of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. When
Jesus saw his mother there,
and the disciple whom he loved standing
nearby, he said to her, “Woman, here
is your son,” and
to the disciple, “Here
is your mother.” From
that time on, this disciple took her into his home.” (John 19: 25-27)
we must be like John. We must understand Jesus love for us and His salvation.
Jesus is always with us ( all who accepted Him as Lord and Saviour). Jesus is
always with us and helps us through the Holy Spirit. However, to enjoy His
blessing and help, you must recognize and always pray to Him.
‘Amen’ if you recognize the ‘Love of Jesus
And you can call yourself ‘I am the one whom
Jesus Love’ and call on Jesus in prayer everyday. May the Holy Spirit be with
you always in Jesus name.