Sunday, 20 September 2015


...Let us be thankful... ~Hebrews 12:28 (NIV)
“Unless the heart is right the prayer must be wrong.” - The Kneeling Christian
An attitude of gratitude is the foundation to a fulfilling prayer life. In our fast-paced society, we often rush through the activities of life without ever stopping to say “Thank you.” But if we want aflourishing prayer life, we must first learn the art of thanksgiving.
As you go through your day today, take time to reflect upon the things for which you are grateful. And every time you think of a blessing in life, take a moment to tell the Lord thanks. At the end of the day, you’ll be surprised how many opportunities you had to express thanksgiving to your Heavenly Father.

There are literally hundreds of things for which you can be thankful. For instance, God created food for you to eat. Did you take a moment before eating to say “Thank You”? You have taken approximately 43,200 breaths today. Have you used one to say “Thank You” to the One who created air? You have friends and family who love you – have you thanked God for them? You have a place to live and clothes to wear. Did you thank God for providing for you?
Thankfulness is the most powerful force in the universe. When I am thanked, it makes me want to give again. When I am thanked for doing someone a small favor, it makes me want to do more for him or her. But if I am taken for granted, it cuts off my desire to help.
When you are thankful, you attract more of God’s blessings toward your life. If you are thankful for what God has given you, you will be given more. If you complain about what you don’t have, you will never have enough. Do not grieve for what you don’t have; be thankful for what you do have.
In Luke 17:11-19, ten lepers were healed by Jesus but only one came back to give thanks. Jesus commended the one who returned to say “thank you.” Let us endeavor to be like the thankful man, not like the nine who were ungrateful. moment right now to make a list of all the things for which you are thankful. As you add thanksgiving to your prayer life, you’ll find yourself abounding in God’s blessings.
List seven things you are thankful for today: 1,2,3,4,5,6,7.