Wednesday, 3 June 2015


Help Lord Jesus wants all His followers to help others relate with God by receiving the Gospel. You can say, “God want you too to say ‘Lord, I am here, send me’. But not all of us can go to the field. In that case you can sponsor, you can pay, you can sponsor those who go for the work. You can, at least contribute few sum for the work of the Lord.”

 There are many Jesus among the Christian. Though the real Jesus is the ‘Jesus of Nazareth, many Christian create their own respective Jesus. Such self-created Jesus, he said, never command you to love, help and serve others and never send you to preach Gospel among the people. That Jesus will make you self-cantered, selfish, jealous, materialist and ungodly. The result is doom for you too.
 What Jesus you are following?

 The Jesus of Nazareth command all His followers, the God loving people to go and preach the Gospel and make disciples among all nation (Matthew 28-18-20).
 God love all people of all nations of the world. In His love, God sent His Son Jesus to the world that all who believe in Him may have eternal life. Jesus came, taught people about the Kingdom of God and how one can enter the Kingdom of God. According to God’s plan, Jesus died on the Cross and rouse again from the dead on the third day. He ascended on heaven and sits on the right side of the Father God in Heaven. The Father has given Him all authority on earth and in heaven. He is coming again to bring and reward all who receive Him as Lord and Saviour but to judge and punish all who rejected Him.
 According to the Bible, there are only two ways and two place – Heaven and Hell. The only way to Heaven is Jesus Christ. All who received Jesus Christ will enjoy eternal life with God in Heaven and all who rejected Christ will go to hell for eternal punishment in the Lake of fire.
 Therefore, just before His ascension, Jesus commanded His disciples to “Go and preach to all nations” about the Love of God, the Salvation of God from eternal damnation. (Matthew 28:18-20).
 This is called ‘the Great Commandment and is the duty of all Christian to tell all nations of the world.
Not every individual Christian cannot go out to preach. But all have to take part in this mission. You can pray and donate in cash or in kind for sending workers in the field by the Church.
 You can tell your non-believing friends, colleagues, co-workers, class-mates, business partners about the Salvation in Jesus Christ. You can share the Good News through email, websites, social media and distribute the Bible, books, booklets and Bible tracks prepared by yourself or by others.
Pray for full time workers, part time workers, the Church and non- believers. For this, study the Bible daily and always pray.
God bless you all.