Tuesday, 18 February 2014


The Bible is the written words of God. The words of God are essential food for our spirit. Study the Bible daily to grow in faith. Follow the three simple steps, suggested by Bible teachers, to study the Bible     successfully.
1. Observation : Start reading the Bible and read daily with careful observation. Noted Bible teacher Dr. James M. Gray said, “There is only one law of Bible study, and that is to read the Book, and when you have read it, to read it again, and then sit down and read it again, and then sit down and read it once more, and by and by you will come to know the Book.”
Start reading any one of the Gospel and read the entire book in one sitting in order to get a clear impression of the book as a whole. Read it again and again to better grasp its message. Ask probing questions: Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
2. .Interpretation : Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you understanding as you interpret the Scriptures, for apart from His illumination, proper understanding is impossible (1 John 2:20, 27). Examine the context of the passage you are interpreting. Compare it with parallel accounts and cross-references.
3. Application : As you seek to apply God’s Word to your life, you’ll find your behavior changing. Relate the Bible to all areas of your life—your strengths and weaknesses, your attitudes and actions.
James 1:22 tells us: “Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says.” Obey the Word by prayerfully meditating on it with the goal of better understanding and applying it.

May God bless you as you study the Bible.