My favorite way method of leading people to Christ is using
Scripture in John 3. This chapter explains that in order to enter heaven, a
person must be born again.I first get to know a person, following the process
outlined by the acronym FIRE.I may share my testimony. I explain that I have
received assurance that when I die, I will go to be with God. Then I may ask,
“Would you like to receive the assurance of eternal life today?” If the person
agrees, I then open my Bible to John 3.
I explain, “It says in John 3 that a religious leader named
Nicodemus came to Jesus and said that because of the miracles that Jesus
performed, God must be with him. Jesus replied,“I tell you the truth, no one
can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again” (John 3:3 NIV).
I then paraphrase the conversation between Jesus and
Nicodemus.“How can that be?” Nicodemus asked. “Surely a person can’t be
physically born a second time.”
Jesus replied, “In order receive eternal life, you must be born of
the Spirit.
Consider this: you know that the wind is real, because you can
feel it. You can see the leaves on trees move as the wind blows. But you don’t
know where the wind comes from or where it is going. In the same way, when you
receive the Holy Spirit of God, you know that the Spirit is real. (You will
experience his guidance. The Spirit will teach you spiritual truth, opening
your mind to truths taught in the Bible.)
I then read the following verses.
16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,
[a] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17For
God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the
world through him. 18Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does
not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of
God’s one and only Son. [b][a] John 3:16 Or his only begotten Son [b] John 3:18
Or God’s only begotten Son “The Scripture teaches that in the beginning, the
first man and the first woman had fellowship with God. The Lord explained that
if they disobeyed him, they would lose that fellowship and die. The first man
and woman disobeyed—they sinned—and so they died. Everyone since that time has
inherited the tendency to disobey God. We all sin and we all physically die.”
“We have nothing except our lives to offer God to pay for sin. But
God loves us so much that he sent his only Son to die in our place. Jesus was
without sin, so he offered his sinless life as payment for our sins. Jesus was
crucified on a cross 2,000 years ago. On the third day, he arose from the
grave. He is now with God,his Father. If you trust in Jesus, you will receive
eternal life today; so that when you die your spirit will go to be with God.
Would you like to receive eternal life now?”
If the listener agrees, I then say, “I’m going to pray, and I ask
that you repeat each sentence after me.”
“Father God, I have
disobeyed you. Forgive my sins. I believe that Jesus died to pay for my sins. I
believe that he was raised from the grave. Give me eternal life today. I now
receive Jesus as my Lord and Savior. In the name of Jesus I pray.Amen.”
The Bible teaches that in order to be saved, we must be willing to
confess Christ before men (see Matthew 10:32,33). So I like to have the convert
confirm that he believes in Christ. I may ask him this, “If you truly believe
the words that you just prayed, shake my hand.” Then the convert shakes my
hand, showing that he believes in Christ. This is a sign—a confession of
faith—to anyone else in our presence that the convert means what he says. And
it is a confirmation for the convert to remember. I then explain some things to
the convert. “When we are born again, we are spiritual babies. God wants us to
grow to maturity in the faith. As we grow, we learn spiritual truth and
experience the joy of knowing God. There are five things that we need to do to
grow in faith.”
a. Love God and love your neighbor as you love yourself. These are
God’s two greatest commandments.
b. Study the Bible. Begin by reading the Gospel of John. (I show
the convert where to find the Gospel of John in the Bible. If the convert does not
have a Bible, I provide a way for him to study—by giving him some Scripture or
by inviting him to a church. If the convert does not read, I explain that the
church can teach the Scripture.)
c. Pray daily in the name of Jesus.
d. Meet together each week with other Christians that teach the
e. Tell others about salvation in Jesus.
(These five ways of growing in faith are shown in the video
presentation of an evangecube below.)
I then try to follow up with the convert or see that someone from
a church quickly follows up with the convert. It is best if someone visits the
convert within a day, or at least within a week. As explained previously, we
don’t leave physical babies alone, and we don’t want to leave spiritual babies
alone. The convert has much to think about. He may have questions regarding the
Scripture that was
shared with him. Perhaps some key Scripture was omitted in the
presentation. He needs to be reminded of Scripture assuring him of salvation.
In time, as he matures, he will experience the Holy Spirit guiding and assuring
him. In the meantime, he needs help from other Christians. The convert needs encouragement
to meet with other Christians for worship and study. If he is unable to come to
church, someone from the church should go and meet regularly with him for
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