Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Resurrection of Jesus is Assurance of God's Blessing

The Resurrection of Jesus is of primary important to the Christian faith.
 “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless …we are of all to be pitied”
1. The Fact of the Resurrection:

a) Death burial and resurrection of Christ is the very basic/foundation of Christian faith (1cor. 15:3&4) of first importance.
b) “If Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless” (1cor. 15:17,19).
c) Even the disciples did not initially accept resurrection e.g. Thomas wanted empirical evidence, proof of scientific mind (John 20:26-29).
d) Frank Morrision in his book “Who moved the stone” concludes there certainly is a deep and profoundly historical basis for that sentence in the Apostles Creed – ‘The third day He rose again from dead’ (p. 192).
e) The Resurrection was an objective, historical event witness to by over five hundred people (1cor 15:6).
f) The Resurrection was a physical event (John 21:1-12).
2. The Evidence of the Resurrection:
a) Two main evidences for the resurrection are the testimony of the disciples and the empty tomb.
b) One of the significant accusations that the witnesses brought at Jesus trial was concerning his prediction of the resurrection
(John 2:19; Mk. 8:31; 9:31; 10:33-34 and Matt 27:63).c) Disappearance of the body- No body of Christ has ever found.
The Re-appearance of the Lord- numerous appearances and to large numbers of people.
d) Emerging of the Church which is now worldwide.
e) Jesus was not rebuking Thomas for asking for proof. Faith without sign is not faith without reason. Thomas should believed the testimony of the disciples. We have credible evidence in the testimony of the Apostles. When Thomas realized the fact of the resurrection he responded ‘My Lord and my God’. It changed his life.
f) Paul was transformed person after an encounter with the Jesus. He preached the ‘Risen Jesus’ after that.
3. The implications of the Resurrection:
a) Assurance of God’s forgiveness (Rom 6:23; Matt 26:28
b) Assurance of God’s power (Rom 8:11; Eph. 1:19-20).
c) Assurance of God’s ultimate triumph (1cor. 15:55-57).
d) All the disciples gave their everything were willing to die for the risen Christ.
e) Resurrection declared victory over sin and death (Rom 6:6-11).
f) Because of resurrection we have assurance of our own resurrection and hope for eternity (1 Cor. 15:20-21).
 Jesus is risen. The only respond we can have is “My Lord and my God”. His resurrection gives us victory over sin and death.
Hope you accept His Lordship and give our lives to Him.
God bless you.