blessed are women! Because, they are more loved and care. They also have love,
mercy and compassion more than men. They know their weakness and rely on God. Therefore, God bless women more than men in many instances.
The ‘Saviour
of the World’, our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ was born to a woman without
taking any part by man. No man but women followed Him during crucifixion. Women visited and pour oils in His tomb. The
first who noticed His resurrection was a woman. Even today, women are receiving
the spiritual gift more than men.
‘Jesus’ means ‘ Saviour’ ( Matthew 1:21) and
‘Christ’ means ‘Anointed one’. When God chosen a person to be King, He send one prophet to ‘anoint’
the chosen person to be a ‘king.
Jesus is
the ‘King’ of the Children of God – Jew or Gentiles who believe in Jesus (Luke
23:38). And all called Him as ‘Christ’ – ‘Jesus Christ’.
But Jesus was
not anointed by any prophet, though was ‘baptized’ by John the Baptist. He was
anointed by a woman at Bethany. The woman poured on Jesus a valuable oil. The
men folk considered her fool, wasting costly oil in unnecessary matter. They talked
about doing good work with the oil than wasting in such way.(Read Matthew 26:6-13)
What is good work? To please is
‘Good work’! Is it not? The woman
pleased God. Is it not good work?
Women are more humble, meek and seek God more than
men. Children rely on mother more than on father. This is why God use women as
His instrument in many ways.
This does not mean men are less blessed than women. Man
can be more blessed than woman if he believes in and rely on God. Man is
stronger than woman, but must not rely on his own strength. All must love,
respect and always be thankful on God. All of us must receive Jesus as Lord and
Saviour, obey and rely on God. All must study the Bible daily and pray
constantly that God may bless us abundantly.
Write ‘Amen’ if you commit to do the will of God,
mentioned above. God bless you.