Tuesday, 18 December 2012


Theology C. Sin
The Greek word translated as “sin” means “to miss the mark.” When we sin, we miss the mark or fall short of the standard set by God. Sin originated in Satan (Isaiah 14:12-14), and entered the world through Adam and Eve. All people are sinners (see Romans 3:23). People do not like to admit that they are sinners. This is a primary reason that many people reject Christianity. If they accept Christ, they must turn away from sin. They don’t want to stop sinning. So they invent all sorts of reasons to deny the truth of Christianity. Sin results in spiritual blindness (see John 9:39), a hardened conscience (see Ephesians 4:19), broken communication with God (see Proverbs 15:29), heartache and problems in the world, bondage and death (see Romans 6:20-23), and eternal separation from God (see Luke 12:15).
Confession of sin is necessary both for salvation (see Romans 10:9,10) and for daily fellowship—the daily walk with Christ (see John 13:6-10).
For more information on sin, see “sin” in the theological dictionary on the following website:http://www.carm.org/dictionary.htm(For details and for free course visit <www.missionstraining.org>)